COBUS Group and Affiliates
COBUS ConCept GmbH, ERP Systems
Wilhelm Mormann, Sales Manager ERP
Gerd Thöle, Managing Director ERP consulting
Uwe Kirste, Manager ERP customer care
COBUS ConCept International, CAD/CAM solutions
Manfred Nölkensmeier, CEO and manager CAD/CAM consulting
Alexander Scholz, Sales Manager CAD/CAM
Thomas Müller, Manager Software Development CAD/CAM
COBUS Systems, business and infrastructure
Wilhelm Mormann, CEO
Michael Hantke, Sales Manager IT-Infrastruktur
COBUS Holding & Services, administration and marketing
Wilhelm Mormann, CEO
e-combuy GmbH, e-commerce, online trade, furniture and accessories,
Sektor 26, marketing services, web design und web shops
Wilhelm Mormann, CEO
IWZ Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG
Real estate, renting und leasing Wilhelm Mormann, CEO
ADULO Solutions GmbH
Carsten Pinn, PinnCalc GmbH
Wilhelm Mormann, COBUS ConCept
Key competencies and figures
Key competencies:
- ERP, CRM, DMS, Finance, Personal
- Software industry
- CAD/CAM solutions (doors, windows and furniture)
- Service und Consulting
- IT-Infrastructure - Systems, network and services
- Industry, middle-class, service provider, trade
Total turnover:
- 9.4 Mio. € in 2015 COBUS ConCept
- 12,6 Mio. € in 2015 COBUS group
- 108, 7 trainees (Jan. 2015) COBUS ConCept. More than 120 in total